Monday, January 27, 2020

Chemistry Essays Essential Fatty Acids

Chemistry Essays Essential Fatty Acids A discussion on the role of essential fatty acids in human health. Introduction: Fatty acids are important components of lipids (fat-soluble components of living cells) in plants, animals, and microorganisms.   Generally, a fatty acid consists of a straight hydrocarbon chain and a terminal carboxyl (-COOH) group.   It is the carboxyl group that makes it an acid.   If the carbon-to-carbon bonds are all single, the acid is saturated; if any of the bonds is double or triple, the acid is unsaturated and is more reactive.   The physical properties of fatty acids are determined by chain length, degree of unsaturation, and chain branching. This essay focuses on the role of essential fatty acids, i.e. fatty acids that must normally be present in the diet of certain animals including man.   These acids occur in body structures, especially the different membranes inside and around cells, and cannot be synthesised in the body from other fats.   Essential fatty acids all possess double bonds at the same two positions along their hydrocarbon chain and so can act as precursors of prostaglandins, thromboxanes and leukotrines.   Deficiency of essential fatty acids can cause dermatosis, weight loss, irregular oestrus etc.   Table 1 shows the most important natural fatty acids. Acid Number of Carbon Atoms Number of Double Bonds Saturated acids Butyric 4 0 Caproic 6 0 Caprylic 8 0 Capric 10 0 Lauric 12 0 Myristic 14 0 Palmitic 16 0 Stearic 18 0 Arachidic 20 0 Behenic 22 0 Monounsaturated acids Palmitoleic 16 1 Oleic 18 1 Erucic 22 1 Polyunsaturated acids Linoleic (w6) 18 2 a-Linolenic (w3) 18 3 g-Linolenic (w6) 18 3 Arachidonic (w6) 20 4 Eicosapentaenoic (w3) 20 5 Docosahexaenoic (w3) 22 6 Table 1: The most important natural fatty acids. Omega-3 (w3) Omega-6 (w6) fatty acids: The Western Diet There is an absolute requirement for a dietary intake of w3 and w6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), because of their role in constructing cell membranes, and also as precursors for the prostaglandins and other eicosanoids.   In fact, w3 fatty acids are particularly prevalent in the brain, retina, and spermatozoa, in which docosahexanoic acid (see table 1) constitutes approximately 36.4% of total fatty acids.   The two parent compounds, which are considered to be dietary essentials, are linoleic acid (w6) and a-linolenic acid (w3).   These two can undergo chain elongation and further desaturation to yield arachidonic acid (w6) and docosahexaenoic acid (w3) respectively, which are both precursors to two families of prostaglandins.   There is no requirement for a dietary source of the longer chain PUFA, but they are potentially desirable in the diet, since their formation from linoleic or linolenic acids is a rate-limiting step.   So, what is the desirable level of w3 and w6 fatty acid intake and does the western diet meet this level?   Ideally, the body requires a near balanced intake of both w3 and w6 fatty acids since the eicosanoids derived from w3 fatty acids have opposing metabolic properties to those derived from w6 fatty acids.   Omega-3 fatty acids, on the one hand, have anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, antiarrhythmic, hypolipidemic, and vasodilatory properties.   For example, they have the ability to make blood thinner by reducing platelet aggregation (this is particularly beneficial in reducing blood clots and stroke).   They also play an important role in the modulation and prevention of human diseases, particularly coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and renal disease, and there is strong evidence that w3 fatty acids are essential for human development from infancy onwards.   On the other hand, w6 fatty acids promote platelet aggregation and vasoconstriction, as well as increasing blood viscosity and bleeding time. The western diet is far richer in w6 fatty acids than w3.   This is due to the increased intake of w6-rich foods such as cereals, fried foods, baked foods etc.   In fact, in today’s western diet, the ratio of w6 to w3 fatty acids ranges from @20-30:1 instead of the traditional, and optimum, range of 1-2:1.   This means that the eicosanoids produced from the metabolism of w6 fatty acids are formed in greater amounts than those derived from the w3 fatty acids, specifically eicosapentaenoic acid.   The result is an increase in allergies, inflammation, type 2 diabetes, and the formation of thrombi and atheromas.   This explains why cardiovascular diseases are far more prevalent in the west.   Consequently, people should be encouraged to eat more w3-rich foods (such as cold-water fish, flaxseed, rapeseed etc) in order to make the ratio more even.   Figure 1 shows the relationship between the ratio of w6 to w3 fatty acids in dietary lipids in the Indian diet and the prevalence of type 2 diabetes.   It is clear that, as the ratio of w6 PUFAs to w3 PUFAs increases, the prevalence of type 2 diabetes also increases. Figure 2: Data obtained from Raheja BS, Sadikot SM, Phatak RB, Rao MB. Significance of the n-6/n-3 ratio for insulin action in diabetes. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1993, 683, 258-7. As far as cardiovascular diseases are concerned, a more even w6 to w3 ratio (i.e. greater w3 fatty acid intake or decreased w6 intake) has been shown to contribute to keeping cholesterol low, stabilising arrhythmia, and keeping blood pressure low. Fatty Acids, Inflammation Autoimmune Diseases Omega-3 PUFAs, in particular eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, have been shown to have potent immunomodulatory effects.   Some of the effects of w3 PUFA are induced by modulation of the amount and types of eicosanoids made, and other effects are triggered by alternative mechanisms that do not involve eicosanoids, for example actions upon intracellular signalling pathways, transcription factor activity and gene expression. Eicosapentaenoic acid (w3) competes with arachidonic acid (w6) for the enzymatic metabolism (by cyclooxygenases) that results in prostaglandin formation.   The eicosanoid metabolites of eicosapentaenoic acid produce fewer inflammatory and chemotactic derivatives than the arachidonic acid metabolites.   Therefore, increasing the dietary intake of w3 fatty acids reduces the likelihood of inflammation. Omega-3 fatty acids have also been shown to slow down the production of interleukin 1 (IL-1b) by suppressing the IL-1b mRNA, as well as the Cox2 (cytooxygenase) mRNA that is induced by IL-1b.   Cox2 is overexpressed in colon cancer cells.   Furthermore, research also suggests that a high dose of a-linolenic acid can suppress the formation of Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF), which is implicated in causing some of the pathological responses that occur in inflammatory conditions.   Hence, it appears that by improving diet management, and ingesting more w3 (as opposed to w6) fatty acids, we could significantly reduce inflammatory disorders and the 40% of cancers that are caused by diet alone.   Managing autoimmune and inflammatory conditions in this way is clearly beneficial since it eliminates many of the side effects associated with the available drug therapies. Fatty Acids and Mental Health Given the fact that around 60% of the brain is composed of fat, it is not surprising that the organ needs w3 fatty acids to function properly.   There is evidence that links mood disorders with low concentrations of w3 fatty acids in the body.   According to certain theories of depression, w3 fatty acids help to regulate mental health problems by improving the ability of the brain’s serotonin (5-HT) receptors to understand mood-related signals from other neurones.   These theories are being investigated further. Conclusion Essential fatty acids have justifiably been linked with a plethora of health issues affecting society at large today.   What is most evident is that, in the western world, we are failing to ensure that we make optimum use of the benefits that w3 fatty acids have to offer.   In order to benefit more, we must take action to balance our intake of w3 and w6 fatty acids.   At present, the balance is tipped too greatly towards w6 fatty acids.   Consequently, heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, depression, inflammatory disorders, cancer etc are on the increase.   That is not to say that w6 fatty acids are totally bad for us: the body requires reasonable amounts for the purposes of vasoconstriction etc.   The ratio of w6/w3 essential fatty acids can be improved by reducing our intake of w6 fatty acids from vegetable oils and increasing our intake of w3 fatty acids from foods such as oily fish, leafy green vegetables, wild game etc. What is clear is that new benefits of w3 fatty acids are being discovered every day.   This is evident from the masses of literature on the subject.   But it is one thing to learn about the benefits of w3 fatty acids and a completely other to use this information effectively.   This is the area that needs to be addressed.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   REFERENCES Journal Articles Referred to in the text: Neuringer M et al., Biochemical functional effects of prenatal and postnatal omega-3 fatty acid deficiency on retina and brain in rhesus monkeys, Proc Natl Acad USA 1986, 83, 4021-5 Connor W.E., Importance of n-3 fatty acids in health and disease, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2000, 71(1), 171-5 Simopoulos A.P, Essential fatty acids in health and chronic disease, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1999, 70(3), 560-569 Raheja BS, Sadikot SM, Phatak RB, Rao MB. Significance of the n-6/n-3 ratio for insulin action in diabetes. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1993, 683, 258-7 Harris WS et al., Effect of fish oil on VLDL triglyceride kinetics in man, J Lipid Res 1990, 31: 1549-58 McLennan PL, Relative effects of dietary saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids on cardiac arrhythmias in rats, Am J Clin Nutr, 1993, 57, 207-12 Charnock, JS, Antiarrhythmic effects of fish oils, World Rev Nutr Diet, 1991, 66: 278-91 Berry EM, Hirsch J., Does dietary linolenic acid influence blood pressure? Am J Clin Nutr, 1986, 44: 336-40 Simopoulos, AP., Omega-3 Fatty acids in inflammation and autoimmune diseases, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2002, vol 21(6), 495-505 Maes M et al., Fatty acid composition in major depression: decreased omega-3 fractions in cholesteryl esters†¦, J Affect Disord, 1996, 38, 35-46

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Common Sense Economics Paper Essay

With the recent developments in the economy there could have not been a better time to pick up this book and read it. I work for a financial institution which had received a good amount of TARP funds. This was followed by media on the company’s allocation of resources for what appears to be a recreational purchase equaling almost the amount of TARP funding. In turn to find out company â€Å"x† had decided that employees will not be receiving a compensation increase this year. After just the first couple of pages I already knew I wanted to dive in to the first part of the book discussing the â€Å"Ten Key Elements of Economics.† This immediately shifted my interest to the first two key elements that: â€Å"Incentives matter† and â€Å"There is no such thing as a free lunch.† There are many thoughts that came to mind while reading along. The incentive for employees was the annual compensation increase. The problem we are facing now is that the labor and productivity supplied are expected to be maintained, while people need to do more with less. As the book explains, it takes time to adjust. However one may argue that the incentive has changed. Now as the economy has shifted and the company has to make budget and staff cuts; the individual incentive has shifted to â€Å"maintaining employment.† Thus there is no longer an increasing financial incentive, with the exception of the existing financial compensation. We must remember that incentives matter, but also that at the same time they can shift based on the factors providing the incentive. The book examines the increase and decrease in gasoline prices. Consumers responded by changing their behavior, consequently shifting incentives. The cutbacks of company â€Å"x† leads right into the element that â€Å"There is no Such Thing as a Free Lunch.† The compensation for the service we provide now is allocated elsewhere. By deciding to stay employed with company â€Å"x† we have employment. Then again if we chose not to remain employed; it will cost us the potential income that could have been earned, so no free lunch. This also makes me consider key element number seven â€Å"People Earn Income by Helping Others.† Nonetheless what happens to the incentive of providing others with valuable goods and services now? With the lack of understanding the shift in incentive I feel the employees will only care about their personal desires. Their interest to improve can result in lower productivity standards, or the search for a new employer. Considering the company standpoint inefficient workers will find other more personally beneficial opportunities. Cited as one of the reasons for reduced product ivity of labor. The employees will provide less valuable service as the company profit will continue to decline. By changing the ways of how the company operates and the rate of compensation it forces employees to focus even more on their self-interest. Now when presented with work, they will find the most efficient way of service. This in turn goes along with economic progress; along with the correct amount of government intervention as discussed in the later part of the book. This can potentially create areas for new employment opportunities, and advancement of the nation as a whole. Any company can bring their numbers back into the black with the correct allocation of the resources and capital. But also with new innovative ways to provide services and goods. With the responsible people in the right positions and the people with a understanding of economic interactions self-interest will lead to a flourishing nation. In conclusion all the above tie into each other as well as the remainder of the book. Unfortunately self-interest with greed and lack of knowledge leads many of us to make imprudent decisions. I knew that incentives matter, but I also understand now that incentives can shift. With the shift in incentives and the self-interest we can grow prosperous. Yet we must understand the interaction and effects of economics as a whole for the small as well as the big picture. The book should be required reading for all that want the privilege of voting. I will be thinking not only of the one side of the economic hand but the other as well, and so should everyone else.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Paralleles of Cosi and Cosi Fan Tutte Essay

Cosi by Louis Nowra and Cosi Fan Tutte by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart are set in completely different times but both themes of the play parallel each other. Cosi was set in 1970’s society whilst Cosi Fan Tutte was set in 1790. Cosi Fan Tutte is play about love and fidelity which parallels with what happens in Cosi. On the surface they are parallel because Lucy is unfaithful to Lewis when they are in a relationship together just as the women were in Cosi Fan Tutte. But it is much more than that. To really understand the parallels of the plays we must look at love and fidelity in depth. What really is love? What is demonstrated throughout both plays is that people have double standards towards love. In the Cosi we see free love and characters that believe in free love such as Lucy, Nick and Doug. Free love is the belief of having sexual relations according to choice, without being restricted by marriage or long-term relationships. They believe in freedom in doing whatever you want but this is the complete opposite of how they treat the mentally ill. They treat them with not dignity that makes them restricted to being behind walls of an asylum. Free love is about freedom yet they are confined to their ward like traditional marriage because people fear them. This is not the definition of love. Louis Nowra wants us to love each other and not stereotyping people by giving labels to people that we fear but instead showing respect and compassion. That is what true love is. In Cosi Fan Tutte we see two men test the love and fidelity of their girlfriends. This displays the double standards that men have on love. They believe that is alright to for them to test love. Mozart tells us that love needs to be equal that one side can’t unfaithful and that is alright. Mozart is trying to make us question what love is, like Louis Nowra did in Cosi. For there to be love, it must be equal and this is the key theme from bo th plays.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Business Plan For A New Business Program - 1334 Words

Whenever a new business program is created, it explicitly employs a business model that is suitable for that particular business, which describes the design, the delivery and the mechanism it employs to achieve success. The core meaning of a business model is to define the value it delivers to its customers, make customer pay for the value provided, and converts these payments to profit (Teece, 2009). There are different types of business models and they suit different types of business. Berry (n.d), the founder of Palo Alto Software has mentioned about nine different models in his article named the lean business plan, the standard business plan, startup business plan, one-page plan, feasibility plan, annual plan, internal plans, operational and strategic plans. Business Plan Models 1. Startup business plan model It is always advisable to develop a startup plan before starting a business. It helps in easy decision making, helps in moving forward and making business successful. As this plan is very simple, it helps in understanding the business process clearly, and most importantly the customer needs. Compare to other models, this plan is better for a new and small business. This model can also be adopted just to get going until the business is elaborated, and also might not need a detailed financial analysis like cash flow, balance sheet or business ration initially. The limitation of this plan is that, it is only suitable for a new business and not fit for those who areShow MoreRelatedBusiness Strategies For Sacramento Business College1103 Words   |  5 PagesOption 1: Restructuring Help Business strategies are an important part of running a company. By exploring potential options for long-term goals a firm can better plan for their future and remain competitive in their respective markets. 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